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Paving your own path

Much of what I have tried in recent years has obviously strayed in many directions. I know that only too well. But that's probably how it is when you're not so afraid of bringing yourself into play in different contexts and you have ambitions to establish a practice as an artist.

Paving your own path

Basically, I think the world would be a more fun place to be if we learned to embrace and love our mistakes more. After all, failing is just an efficient—albeit sometimes quite relentless—way to learn something new.

New challenges for a half-grown boy

This written because it is now again time to course correct.

The seed was already laid just over a year ago. During the process of creating a new identity for our local trade and crafts association—the work that ended up as—it struck me how much the pioneering spirit out here has permeated (also) my way of looking at the world. Something that the many business visits around the city making the profiles for the city portal, confirmed to me is also the case for a great many other of my peers.

Now the association has chosen to step up and employ a trade coordinator who will work strategically to develop Hvide Sande further: a position I simply had to apply for.

There is just so much potential on this beautiful, wind-swept spot 🙏🌊💯

—and it is vibrating with energy, after a really good, constructive dialogue with the board I have now been entrusted the task of realizing that potential. A trust I am grateful for and will put myself in the harness to honor.

There will be bumps in the road and ends that will be difficult to make come together. Of course there will be.

On the other hand, this is exactly what Hvide Sande can and has always been able to do: stand together for a joint effort. The city was created out of spite, where you never waited for others to come and do the work. But the story ALSO includes how people and families have helped and protected each other and carried each other through when it was most difficult ⚓❤️

If we remember that DNA, almost anything can be done and succeed.

Focusing in on art and sign painting

The position as trade coordinator is part-time, which means that at Tysk'havnen I will focus radically in on the most quirky and creative tasks: the signage and art projects. I am giving up carpentry work and everything that others can do (at least) just as well, from today.

The workshop will henceforth be an open studio, set up specifically for making smaller works in recycled wood and driftwood, and of course also painting the large abstract canvases.

In many ways the best of 2 worlds, I think.

In the more than 4 years that have passed since I sold Kabelpark, it has been necessary for me to try out some artisanal things, and also necessary with the many hours alone in the workshop. Time well spent. Now, however, I am ready to take on a slightly more outgoing role in our little local community.

After all, paving your career path is not just an ego trip where you live out your own dreams and realize yourself. At least it shouldn't be. The litmus test must be that in one way or another you also manage to contribute in a larger context and create value for others besides yourself.

I am really looking forward to starting the work for, visiting and talking to all the different actors and stakeholders about the opportunities, the challenges, and the way we can jointly create even more trade between sea and fjord.